For Muddy Energy (Kapha Dosha) Balancing Lifestyle, click here.
To Learn More About Muddy Energy (Kapha Dosha) Body and Mind, click here.
Eating foods that possess these same characteristics of mud energy (slow, moist, cool, oily, heavy, smooth, and steady) lead to a further increase and imbalance in muddy humor levels, which results in more further muddy energy (Kapha dosha) related symptoms and their respective severity.
The goal of a mud-pacifying lifestyle is to reduce your muddy energy levels doing things that possess opposite qualities to mud humor: including more lightness, warm and hot, dryness, and roughness to everything we eat and drink
Stick to your Ayurveda doctor’s recommendations in case of any discrepancies as they address your immediate balance requirements.
Warm, drying, light and rough foods
Pungent (spicy), bitter and astringent tastes in everything you eat and drink
Reduce: sweet, salty and sour tastes or avoid completely if possible
High Calorie Foods, Lasagna, and Casseroles
Usually heavy and oily by nature, so eating more of these will increase your Kapha levels and related discomforts like indigestion and cholesterol
Reduce or avoid completely in your daily diet
Apply hot spices to cooking and foods like ginger, peppers, thyme…
Switch them to lighter foods like steamed vegetables
Light and drying by nature but cool and hard to digest, hence they can both increase your Kapha levels and lead to metabolic toxin production in body causing more weight and hardship in losing weight
Gradually moderate and reduce raw salad consumption, avoid completely in your daily diet if possible
Keep consumption for social activities and occasions, not in your house
Always steam or cook your vegetables and salads
Add warming and hot spices always to aid digestion
Add mustard oil to salads if needed (not olive)
Drink warm water boiled with dry ginger powder along with meals
Kapha thrives on a fairly minimalistic diet with smaller meals, little to no snacking, fewer sweets, an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, a variety of legumes, minimal alcohol, and lighter fare all around.
Boil dry ginger powder (as much as you can handle) with 1 liter water for 5 minutes, let sit for 5, strain, and drink first thing in the morning (before any water), throughout the day and along with meals.
Establish meal regularity and have perfectly timed meals - eat at the same time everyday.
Best diet structure is intermittent fasting: 2 formal meals throughout the day.
Minimize snacking between or after meals and avoid completely over time.
Follow a low calorie and low card diet in general.
Always soak your beans and lentils overnight before cooking.
Eat more pre-soaked and cooked vegetarian proteins (lentils, chickpeas…) along with steamed salads and vegetables.
Minimize fresh salads, raw vegetables, dairy, baked goods and cooked meats as they are hard to digest and your digestive power is generally on the lower end.
Always favor freshly cooked warming meals over cold or reheated or packaged meals.
Add warming alkaline herbs and spices always to your cooking, garnish and meals like turmeric, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cumin, thyme and others.
Favor warm water and drinks always. Reduce iced and cold drinks to a minimum.
Drink a cup or two of black coffee or green tea mixed with cinnamon and cardamom.
Drink warming herbal teas throughout the day - add dry ginger powder whenever possible to accelerate weight loss.
Favor: Cooked Always Better - Artichoke, Asparagus, Beet Greens, Beets, Bell Peppers, Bitter Melon, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Burdock Root, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chilies, Cilantro, Collard Greens, Corn, Eggplant, Garlic, Green Beans, Horseradish, Kale, Leafy Greens, Leeks, Lettuce, Okra, Onions, Peas, Sweet and Hot Peppers, White Potatoes, Radishes, Spinach, Sprouts, Squash, Cooked Tomatoes, Turnips, Watercress, Wheat Grass
Avoid: Avocado, Cucumber, Olives, Pumpkins, Sweet Potatoes, Raw Tomatoes, Zucchini
Favor: Apples, Apricots, Berries, Cherries, Cranberries, Figs (dry), Grapes (red, purple, black), Lemons, Limes, Mango, Peaches, Pears, Persimmons, Pomegranates, Prunes, Raisins, Raspberries, Strawberries
Avoid: Bananas, Fresh Figs, Dates, Green Grapes, Grapefruit, Melon, Watermelon
Favor: Almond Oil, Corn Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Ghee, Sunflower Oil
Avoid: Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Primrose Oil, Safflower Oil, Sesame Oil, Soy Oil, Walnut Oil
Favor: Amaranth, Barley, Buckwheat, Corn, Couscous, Crackers, Granola, Millet, Muesli, Oat Bran, Oats (dry), Quinoa, Rice (basmati, wild, brown, white), Rice Cakes, Rye, Spelt, Tapioca, Wheat Bran
Avoid: Cooked Oats, Pancakes, Pasta, Wheat, Yeasted Bread
Favor: Adzuki Beans, Black Beans, Black-Eyed Peas, Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas), Lentils, Lima Beans, Mung Beans, Mung Dal, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, Split Peas, Soy Milk, Soy Meats, Tempeh, Tofu (served hot), Toor Dal, White Beans
Avoid: Kidney Beans, Miso, Soy Beans, Soy Sauce, Tofu (served cold), Urad Dal
Almonds (soaked and peeled), Chia Seeds, Flax Seeds, Popcorn (without salt or butter), Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds
Avoid: Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Coconut, Filberts, Macadamia Nuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pine Nuts, Pistachios, Sesame Seeds, Tahini, Walnuts
Favor: Chicken (white), Eggs (not fried, and in moderation), Fish (freshwater), Turkey, Cottage Cheese, Unsalted Goat Cheese, Yogurt Diluted With Water
Avoid: Beef, Dark Chicken, Duck, Lamb, Salmon, Sardines, Tuna, Butter, Cheese, Milk, Ice Cream, Sour Cream, Yogurt
Favor: All spices and warming herbs
Avoid: Salt in all its forms (white, rock, pink…)
Favor: Honey (in moderation)
Avoid: all others
Spirulina, Vitamin D, Triphala
For Muddy Energy (Kapha Dosha) Balancing Lifestyle, click here.
Need more help with starting a Muddy-Energy Balancing Diet and Lifestyle?
Book an online Ayurveda consultation with one of our specialist doctors in India to properly diagnose your mind-body type and natural healing needs and design a plan that works for your specific health circumstances.