Kapha Imbalance Symptoms And Balancing Measures VEDA Selfcare Physical, mental, and emotional symptoms of mud humor or Kapha dosha imbalance and practical ways to restore balance.
AIR NATURE (VATA DOSHA) BALANCING DIET AND FOODS VEDA Selfcare Air Nature (Vata Dosha) balancing foods, diet recommendations, and preferred tastes including food items per food category to prefer or avoid.
AIR NATURE (VATA DOSHA) BALANCING LIFESTYLE VEDA Selfcare Air nature (Vata Dosha) pacifying and balancing daily lifestyle recommendations and natural selfcare practices, including morning and evening rituals, exercise style, sleep pattern, and more.
AIR NATURE (VATA DOSHA) BODY & MIND VEDA Selfcare Vata Dosha (Air Humor) general physical, mental, and emotional attributes and characteristics of the body and mind, and common discomforts and ailments.
Muddy Nature (Kapha Dosha) Body & Mind VEDA Selfcare Kapha Dosha (Muddy Humor) general physical, mental, and emotional attributes and characteristics of the body and mind, and common discomforts and ailments.
MUDDY NATURE (KAPHA DOSHA) BALANCING LIFESTYLE VEDA Selfcare Muddy nature (Kapha Dosha) pacifying and balancing daily lifestyle recommendations and natural selfcare practices, including morning and evening rituals, exercise style, sleep pattern, and more.
Muddy Nature (Kapha Dosha) Balancing Diet and Foods VEDA Selfcare Muddy Nature (Kapha Dosha) balancing foods, diet recommendations, and preferred tastes including food items per food category to prefer or avoid.
Fire Nature (Pitta Dosha) Balancing Lifestyle VEDA Selfcare Fire nature (Pitta Dosha) pacifying and balancing daily lifestyle recommendations and natural selfcare practices, including morning and evening rituals, exercise style, sleep pattern, and more.
Fire Nature (Pitta Dosha) Balancing Diet and Foods VEDA Selfcare Fire Nature (Pitta Dosha) balancing foods, diet recommendations, and preferred tastes including food items per food category to prefer or avoid.
Fire Nature (Pitta Dosha) Body & Mind VEDA Selfcare Pitta Dosha (Fire Humor) general physical, mental, and emotional attributes and characteristics of the body and mind, and common discomforts and ailments.